Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Ubiquitous Balloon

Balloons and summer just go together. You find balloons at the park, the zoo, parades and even restaurants. Everyone loves balloons. They make you smile when you see them bobbing colorfully in the air.

Balloons are inexpensive and can be found everywhere. They are also great for all kinds activities. In a previous post we talked about water balloon catch which is fun for the whole family.


Another great balloon activity is balloon volleyball. Volleyball is fun to play but for little kids it’s not so easy as the ball can bend a finger back or sometimes hit them in the face. Balloon volleyball is awesome as you use an air-inflated balloon that won’t cause any injuries. You don’t really even need a net! Just find a family member or friend and keep hitting the balloon to each other to keep it in the air. Keep score to see who is the better hitter. Since the hits are not always accurate, you’ll have fun running around trying to hit the balloon before it hits the ground.

So blow up a balloon, find a friend and hit until you’re laughing so hard you can’t play anymore!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Walking Rocks!!!

One of the best things you can do for your health is to get out there and walk every day. The great thing about walking is it costs nothing, takes you places, improves your health and just about everyone over the age of 2 can do it!

Did you know that if you walk just one mile you burn between 65 and 100 calories? The average number of steps per mile is 2000. Most people walk 3000-4000 steps a day. Now if you are sitting on the couch watching TV or playing video games you’re probably not doing those 3000-4000 steps.

It’s summer, the weather is nice and it’s time to get up off your couch and go for a stroll. Walk around your neighborhood, meet your neighbors and see the sights. Take your dog for a walk and get him or her in shape with some gentle exercise. 

Walking lets you explore your surroundings. Go to a park and walk the trails absorb some sunlight and be one with nature.

Now get out there and get walking!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Soccer Fun is Summer Fun!


Soccer is the most popular sport in the world! It’s called football in the rest of the world and kids and adults can’t get enough of playing and watching.

Basic soccer skills are essential to play the game and ball control is key. Master ball control and you’ll master soccer. Juggling is an essential skill that helps players become more comfortable with the ball. Beginners may only be able to juggle 2-3 times while advanced players can juggle well over 100 times in a row!

Some tips to remember while juggling:

   - Your toe should be down and your ankle locked. You should juggle the ball on the laces of your shoe.
   - Start with the ball in your hands. Drop it onto your dominant foot and kick it back to your hands. Do it again and try to kick the ball twice and catch it increasing the number of kicks as you become confident.
   - Once you’ve mastered your dominant foot, try kicking it with your other foot.
   - Set goals for yourself: 10 - beginner, 25 – getting better, 50 – intermediate and 100+ advanced.
   - Practice, practice practice!!! That is how you will improve.


     Try the Diggin Tough Sports Striker Soccer Ball to help your kids master this important skill and go out and have a blast!