Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How’s your free throw percentage?

There’s nothing like a game of basketball to get the competitive spirit going. Whether it’s for fun or competition, basketball is a great way stay active and have fun with family and friends.

All basketball shots are important but many important games have been won and lost because of the “free throw”. Free throw shooting is a skill that everyone needs to practice from the novice player to the pros. 
Statistics show that 91% of high school basketball players shoot free throws with the wrong arc. 91%! Practice and technique are important. The more practice the better the “free throw percentage”.  The numbers below show how accurate basketball players are at the high school, college and professional

High school:  55-60%
College:         69%
Professional:  75%

So, how do you calculate your free throw percentage? We’ve provided a step-by-step method to help you find your free throw percentage.

   1.   Get a friend who wants to improve their free throw percentage. They will keep track the free throws you attempt and the free throws you miss. You can rotate between shooting and keeping track of free throws to get an accurate free throw percentage for both of you.

   2.   Take a piece of paper and make two columns: “Free Throws Made" on the right side, "Free Throws Attempted” on the left side. For each free throw, put a mark in the appropriate column. For a successful free throw, you should put a mark in both the “made” column and the attempted column. For a missed free throw only put a mark in the attempted free throw column.

   3.   Total the numbers in each column when you’re finished with a round of shooting. You should have the number of free throws attempted and a number for free throws made. The free throws made total should be equal to or less than the free throws attempted total.

4.   To calculate the free throw percentage divide the number of free throws made by the number of free throws attempted. Example: 7 successful free throws divided by 10 attempts = .70 or a 70% free throw percentage.

Now go out there and practice your shots! The team needs your skills!

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