Photo: bountifulbraves.net |
Batter up!
OK, so you are on your way to mastering the basics of
playing baseball. There is one component left – Batting.
Batting will challenge your eyesight, reflexes and strength.
Becoming a good hitter requires hours of practice so let’s get started.

First, you need to select a bat. Choose a bat that isn’t too
heavy. When you’re just learning to hit the lighter the bat the better. Batting
gloves are optional.
Enter the batters box. If you’re right-handed you stand to
the left of home plate. If you’re left-handed, stand to the right of home
plate. Standing too close to the plate is called “crowding the plate” and can
get you hit with a pitch. Stand far enough away so when you swing the widest
part of the bat crosses over home plate.
Next up is your grip. Right-handers place your left hand on
the bottom and your right hand on top. Lefties do the reverse – right hand on
bottom and left on top. Your hands should touch.

When holding the bat, DO NOT rest it on your shoulder. There
should be 6 inches between your shoulder and the bat. When batting, don’t stand
upright. The batting stance has your shoulder facing the pitcher, feet shoulder
width apart, knees bent with your weight mostly on your back foot, bat up
waiting for the pitch. This position is the “ready” position for hitting.
Make sure you’re watching the pitcher with both eyes. This
will help you see the ball as it leaves his hand. Watch the ball the entire
time from when it’s thrown until it hits your bat. When the pitcher throws the
pitch, pick up your front foot slightly. If the pitch is good, meaning it looks
like it will go over the plate at chest height, step forward and swing at the
pitch, shifting your hips through the swing. If the pitch is bad meaning too
high, too low(somewhere below your knees) or outside or inside(not crossing the
plate), finish your stride without swinging, let it pass and get back into the
ready position.
When you hit, keep your elbows toward your body so the bat
will travel in a tight circle. Remember to try to hit the ball as it is coming
over home plate. If you hit it later, if will likely go foul.
As a beginner batter your swing should be level. Practice
swinging the bat so that it starts and finishes at the same level. You should
not start low and finish high as it will affect how the ball flies once hit. Be
sure to “follow through” the swing. This means you need to swing the bat all
the way around to give it the most possible power.
Photo: progripbaseball.com |
Lastly, DO NOT throw the bat! If you’ve swung, made contact
and are finishing your swing, hold onto the bat through the follow through and
drop it once the swing ends. Letting go
of the bat without completing the follow through is dangerous to other players.
I know, it’s a lot of information to just hit a ball. If you
keep all this in mind and practice, practice, practice, you’ll be hitting well
in no time.